The day’s are getting longer and it’s time to come out of hibernation. That’s great, except your mood isn’t aligned with the season change or with the peak of the sunlight, Easter bunny and the birds chirping that everyone is raving about.
Your tired of carrying the extra weight, you have brain fog and lack of concentration. You know it’s good for you to get out but your not motivated and chronic fatigue pulls you back into bed. Your body aches, pains slows you down, and your mind can’t stop with constant thoughts of overwhelming to do lists.
You have tried almost every diet out there, you feel completely defeated and drained.
Sound familiar? Well you are not alone! And if you haven’t already, you are on your computer researching what could be the problems and symptoms your body is experiencing, right?
New cancer rates and cancer related deaths have fallen in the United States in recent decades. However certain cancers are becoming more common in younger adults. American Cancer Society and the National Cancer Institute research think obesity may be to blame for this disease. Researchers have linked excess body weight to about 40% of cancer cases in the U.S and it’s risk types like breast, ovarian and liver cancer. By 2014, obesity accounted for 60% of endometrial cancer, 36% of kidney cancer, 17% pancreatic cancer and 11% of multiple myeloma among adults ages 30 and above. (Read full article in the TIME.)
Now that the spring has arrived, take some time and ask yourself “Is what you are doing TODAY getting you closer to your health goals TOMORROW?” Make the change because quality of life and enjoying what life has to offer is how our cells thrive. Getting yourself outside everyday and allowing the warmth of the sun to kiss your skin for a good 10 minutes to increase vitamin D production will support your mood and combat depression, balance your blood sugar, improve your immune system and reduce cancer risk. Spending some time with the sun outdoors and going for a daily walk will increase your heart rate and support cardiovascular health. Enjoying some fresh air can get back the energy that was missing-this will make it easier to embrace each season, starting with this spring.
Lahaina Pirri, RNCP, NNCP