Lahaina has introduced me to many new life skills that will serve me well as I continue my travel down the healing path!
Lahaina helped significantly improve my cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and blood pressure and these were just some of the desired results. I have more energy and feel more hopeful in rebuilding my life. I highly recommend her holistic, compassionate and motivating program.
Lahaina has a such a wealth of knowledge and introduced me to important nutritional health concepts as it relates to multiple sclerosis and in general. Her comprehensive approach has helped to ease my MS symptoms, lose 28 pounds and keep it off!
I have been to many doctors and specialists regarding my on going health issues for 6 years. Since I’ve had the support of the team at Balance One Health and coaching with Lahaina, my doctor is very happy with my current test results, I have lost 40 pounds, and most importantly I great.
I was diagnosed with arthritis several years ago, and has been very difficult to move from the chronic pain, and stiffness in my joints. I have made this my life committed to myself with Lahaina’s program, because I was tired of always feeling depressed and feeling sorry for myself. I have made a lot of changes to my lifestyle and with her professional advice, love and support I feel like a new person. I am confident, I have more flexibility in my body, and I am happy.
If you feel you can invest in your health, mentally, physically, or spiritually, this is the program. I really love the way Lahaina coaches me, she really cares to listens, and guides me to a better space. I’m not sure how to explain it, except that every time I’m done with the follow up, I feel rejuvenated.
I was in a very dark place in my life, giving up on my health, and myself. I was going on my fifth surgery, but my body wasn’t healing so the doctors had to postpone my surgery. My boyfriend found Lahaina through Dr. Wahls, she helped explain everything to me about the body, and motivated me, to help me, help myself. This program is not easy, but with Lahaina’s support I always feel like she wanted the best for me... it was a “big game changer” like she says. This helped me see myself in a different light, my life is precious.